- 用户不可以任意篡改
- A用户的session无法被B用户获取
也就是说,session的设计目的是为了做用户身份认证。但是,很多情况下,session被用作了别的用途,将产生一些安全问题,我们今天就来谈谈“客户端session”(client session)导致的安全问题。
0x01 什么是客户端session
0x02 保护客户端session
class SecureCookieSessionInterface(SessionInterface): """The default session interface that stores sessions in signed cookies through the :mod:`itsdangerous` module. """ #: the salt that should be applied on top of the secret key for the #: signing of cookie based sessions. salt = 'cookie-session' #: the hash function to use for the signature. The default is sha1 digest_method = staticmethod(hashlib.sha1) #: the name of the itsdangerous supported key derivation. The default #: is hmac. key_derivation = 'hmac' #: A python serializer for the payload. The default is a compact #: JSON derived serializer with support for some extra Python types #: such as datetime objects or tuples. serializer = session_json_serializer session_class = SecureCookieSession def get_signing_serializer(self, app): if not app.secret_key: return None signer_kwargs = dict( key_derivation=self.key_derivation, digest_method=self.digest_method ) return URLSafeTimedSerializer(app.secret_key, salt=self.salt, serializer=self.serializer, signer_kwargs=signer_kwargs) def open_session(self, app, request): s = self.get_signing_serializer(app) if s is None: return None val = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name) if not val: return self.session_class() max_age = total_seconds(app.permanent_session_lifetime) try: data = s.loads(val, max_age=max_age) return self.session_class(data) except BadSignature: return self.session_class() def save_session(self, app, session, response): domain = self.get_cookie_domain(app) path = self.get_cookie_path(app) # Delete case. If there is no session we bail early. # If the session was modified to be empty we remove the # whole cookie. if not session: if session.modified: response.delete_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, domain=domain, path=path) return # Modification case. There are upsides and downsides to # emitting a set-cookie header each request. The behavior # is controlled by the :meth:`should_set_cookie` method # which performs a quick check to figure out if the cookie # should be set or not. This is controlled by the # SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST config flag as well as # the permanent flag on the session itself. if not self.should_set_cookie(app, session): return httponly = self.get_cookie_httponly(app) secure = self.get_cookie_secure(app) expires = self.get_expiration_time(app, session) val = self.get_signing_serializer(app).dumps(dict(session)) response.set_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, val, expires=expires, httponly=httponly, domain=domain, path=path, secure=secure)
类 ,用它的dumps
class Signer(object): # ... def sign(self, value): """Signs the given string.""" return value + want_bytes(self.sep) + self.get_signature(value) def get_signature(self, value): """Returns the signature for the given value""" value = want_bytes(value) key = self.derive_key() sig = self.algorithm.get_signature(key, value) return base64_encode(sig) class Serializer(object): default_serializer = json default_signer = Signer # .... def dumps(self, obj, salt=None): """Returns a signed string serialized with the internal serializer. The return value can be either a byte or unicode string depending on the format of the internal serializer. """ payload = want_bytes(self.dump_payload(obj)) rv = self.make_signer(salt).sign(payload) if self.is_text_serializer: rv = rv.decode('utf-8') return rv def dump_payload(self, obj): """Dumps the encoded object. The return value is always a bytestring. If the internal serializer is text based the value will automatically be encoded to utf-8. """ return want_bytes(self.serializer.dumps(obj)) class URLSafeSerializerMixin(object): """Mixed in with a regular serializer it will attempt to zlib compress the string to make it shorter if necessary. It will also base64 encode the string so that it can safely be placed in a URL. """ def load_payload(self, payload): decompress = False if payload.startswith(b'.'): payload = payload[1:] decompress = True try: json = base64_decode(payload) except Exception as e: raise BadPayload('Could not base64 decode the payload because of ' 'an exception', original_error=e) if decompress: try: json = zlib.decompress(json) except Exception as e: raise BadPayload('Could not zlib decompress the payload before ' 'decoding the payload', original_error=e) return super(URLSafeSerializerMixin, self).load_payload(json) def dump_payload(self, obj): json = super(URLSafeSerializerMixin, self).dump_payload(obj) is_compressed = False compressed = zlib.compress(json) if len(compressed) < (len(json) - 1): json = compressed is_compressed = True base64d = base64_encode(json) if is_compressed: base64d = b'.' + base64d return base64d class URLSafeTimedSerializer(URLSafeSerializerMixin, TimedSerializer): """Works like :class:`TimedSerializer` but dumps and loads into a URL safe string consisting of the upper and lowercase character of the alphabet as well as ``'_'``, ``'-'`` and ``'.'``. """ default_serializer = compact_json
- json.dumps 将对象转换成json字符串,作为数据
- 如果数据压缩后长度更短,则用zlib库进行压缩
- 将数据用base64编码
- 通过hmac算法计算数据的签名,将签名附在数据后,用“.”分割
0x03 flask客户端session导致敏感信息泄露
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import zlib from base64 import b64decode from flask.sessions import session_json_serializer from itsdangerous import base64_decode def decryption(payload): payload, sig = payload.rsplit(b'.', 1) payload, timestamp = payload.rsplit(b'.', 1) decompress = False if payload.startswith(b'.'): payload = payload[1:] decompress = True try: payload = base64_decode(payload) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Could not base64 decode the payload because of ' 'an exception') if decompress: try: payload = zlib.decompress(payload) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Could not zlib decompress the payload before ' 'decoding the payload') return session_json_serializer.loads(payload) if __name__ == '__main__': print(decryption(sys.argv[1].encode()))
0x04 flask验证码绕过漏洞
我们用一个实际例子认识这一点:https://github.com/shonenada/flask-captcha 。这是一个为flask提供验证码的项目,我们看到其中的view文件:
import random try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO as StringIO from flask import Blueprint, make_response, current_app, session from wheezy.captcha.image import captcha from wheezy.captcha.image import background from wheezy.captcha.image import curve from wheezy.captcha.image import noise from wheezy.captcha.image import smooth from wheezy.captcha.image import text from wheezy.captcha.image import offset from wheezy.captcha.image import rotate from wheezy.captcha.image import warp captcha_bp = Blueprint('captcha', __name__) def sample_chars(): characters = current_app.config['CAPTCHA_CHARACTERS'] char_length = current_app.config['CAPTCHA_CHARS_LENGTH'] captcha_code = random.sample(characters, char_length) return captcha_code @captcha_bp.route('/captcha', endpoint="captcha") def captcha_view(): out = StringIO() captcha_image = captcha(drawings=[ background(), text(fonts=current_app.config['CAPTCHA_FONTS'], drawings=[warp(), rotate(), offset()]), curve(), noise(), smooth(), ]) captcha_code = ''.join(sample_chars()) imgfile = captcha_image(captcha_code) session['captcha'] = captcha_code imgfile.save(out, 'PNG') out.seek(0) response = make_response(out.read()) response.content_type = 'image/png' return response
可见,其生成验证码后,就存储在session中了:session['captcha'] = captcha_code
0x05 CodeIgniter 2.1.4 session伪造及对象注入漏洞
Codeigniter 2的session也储存在session中,默认名为ci_session
的值。原理上和flask如出一辙,我就不重述了。但好在codeigniter2支持对session进行加密,只需在配置文件中设置$config['sess_encrypt_cookie'] = TRUE;
在CI2.1.4及以前的版本中,存在一个弱加密漏洞( https://www.dionach.com/blog/codeigniter-session-decoding-vulnerability ),如果目标环境中没有安装Mcrypt扩展,则CI会使用一个相对比较弱的加密方式来处理session:
<?php function _xor_encode($string, $key) { $rand = ''; while (strlen($rand) < 32) { $rand .= mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax()); } $rand = $this->hash($rand); $enc = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { $enc .= substr($rand, ($i % strlen($rand)), 1).(substr($rand, ($i % strlen($rand)), 1) ^ substr($string, $i, 1)); } return $this->_xor_merge($enc, $key); } function _xor_merge($string, $key) { $hash = $this->hash($key); $str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { $str .= substr($string, $i, 1) ^ substr($hash, ($i % strlen($hash)), 1); } return $str; }
、异或等存在大量缺陷的方法。我们通过几个简单的脚本( https://github.com/Dionach/CodeIgniterXor ),即可在4秒到4分钟的时间,破解CI2的密钥。
0x06 总结
- 签名使用hash函数而非hmac函数,导致利用hash长度扩展攻击来伪造session
- 任意文件读取导致密钥泄露,进一步造成身份伪造漏洞或反序列化漏洞( http://www.loner.fm/drops/#!/drops/227.Codeigniter%20%E5%88%A9%E7%94%A8%E5%8A%A0%E5%AF%86Key%EF%BC%88%E5%AF%86%E9%92%A5%EF%BC%89%E7%9A%84%E5%AF%B9%E8%B1%A1%E6%B3%A8%E5%85%A5%E6%BC%8F%E6%B4%9E )
- 如果客户端session仅加密未签名,利用CBC字节翻转攻击,我们可以修改加密session中某部分数据,来达到身份伪造的目的
- 没有加密时,用户可以看到完整的session对象
- 加密/签名不完善或密钥泄露的情况下,用户可以修改任意session
- 使用强健的加密及签名算法,而不是自己造(反例discuz)